Electric busses in Copenhagen

Customer Case Study

Electric busses in Copenhagen

2 Buses
900 kW
Copenhagen, Denmark

©VOR-J. Bollwein, 2022.


With an eye on CO-2 neutrality by 2025, Copenhagen Municipality bought two new highly-efficient electric busses for testing on the 3A line for two years from the summer of 2016. To operate round the clock, these busses required a quick and simple charging solution - a first for the Danish capital.


The Copenhagen public transport agency Movia opted for our charging solution to power its 2 13-meter busses, using roof-mounted pantographs. As the electric busses are lightweight, they needed only 1.5 to 3 minutes to recharge and thus can operate round the clock.

The total installed power was 700kW.


The test project which cost about 10 million Danish kroner included the charging stations and two years of service. The expenses were shared between the municipality and the Transport and Construction Authority, while the energy company E.ON agreed to contribute with free electricity.

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Project Description

Heliox and TU/e ​​aim to develop an integrated solution that makes charging heavy electric vehicles accessible without negative consequences for local electricity networks. Together, we want to achieve this by developing and demonstrating a new, multiple and dynamic charging system for heavy electric vehicles that is equipped with software-controlled stabilization to absorb disturbances on the local energy grid.

The intended system will consist of a dynamically configurable charging system based on modules that can be connected in parallel, each with three 60 kW outputs. With this they want to be able to distribute the loading capacity dynamically over several vehicles. The charging system can therefore be used for opportunity charging up to 360 kW for a single vehicle as well as for regular charging of several vehicles.

In addition, smart software and a microcontroller board are being developed. The converter of the charging system can be used via this software to compensate for grid disturbances. The disturbances are neutralized via a low impedance path. This allows losses on the grid to be converted into usable energy, while improving the voltage quality of the grid. In fact, the system completely takes over the function of current power filters on the basis of smart control.

With an eye on CO-2 neutrality by 2025, Copenhagen Municipality bought two new highly-efficient electric busses for testing on the 3A line for two years from the summer of 2016. To operate round the clock, these busses required a quick and simple charging solution - a first for the Danish capital.

The Copenhagen public transport agency Movia opted for our charging solution to power its 2 13-meter busses, using roof-mounted pantographs. As the electric busses are lightweight, they needed only 1.5 to 3 minutes to recharge and thus can operate round the clock.

The total installed power was 700kW.

97% Efficiency
Highest Uptime
Zero Emissions
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Support Services
Industry's Quietest

The test project which cost about 10 million Danish kroner included the charging stations and two years of service. The expenses were shared between the municipality and the Transport and Construction Authority, while the energy company E.ON agreed to contribute with free electricity.

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