Selected charger infrastructure partner for Bonn & Darmstadt

Customer Case Study

Selected charger infrastructure partner for Bonn & Darmstadt

3 Buses
5 MW
Bonn & Darmstadt, Germany

©VOR-J. Bollwein, 2022.


Early e-bus operations in the cities of Bonn and Darmstadt, with an eye on full public transportation electrification by 2025, the cities had varying requirements with support required beyond simple charging solutions.


The total number of MW in Bonn and Darmstadt that will be installed is 5.25 MW: 4.2 MW in Darmstadt, 1.05 MW in Bonn. In both cases the charging infrastructures will be placed in the depots. Bonn will add 3 Solaris e-articulated busses to its fleet, featuring the new generation of Solaris High Energy+ batteries.

The scope of Heliox’s contract stretches further than the delivery of the Overnight Chargers, and includes full installation - charging stations and medium voltage connection.

The Heliox charging infrastructure is compatible with the fleet management system used, which facilitates monitoring of busses and the charging infrastructure in order to enable smart charge management. Also interoperability with multiple bus brands is a crucial part of the requirements set at the start of the tender, an element Heliox has been encouraging and pioneering.


The installation of these chargers is just the first step of a larger electrification program in Darmstadt. Local energy supplier Entega has said, “Our ambitious goal in Darmstadt is to achieve complete electrification of our bus fleet with a total of 80 busses by 2025,” says Thomas Haasz, project manager at Entega. Heliox is optimistic about this opportunity and looking forward to providing more charging solutions in the area.

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Project Description

Heliox and TU/e ​​aim to develop an integrated solution that makes charging heavy electric vehicles accessible without negative consequences for local electricity networks. Together, we want to achieve this by developing and demonstrating a new, multiple and dynamic charging system for heavy electric vehicles that is equipped with software-controlled stabilization to absorb disturbances on the local energy grid.

The intended system will consist of a dynamically configurable charging system based on modules that can be connected in parallel, each with three 60 kW outputs. With this they want to be able to distribute the loading capacity dynamically over several vehicles. The charging system can therefore be used for opportunity charging up to 360 kW for a single vehicle as well as for regular charging of several vehicles.

In addition, smart software and a microcontroller board are being developed. The converter of the charging system can be used via this software to compensate for grid disturbances. The disturbances are neutralized via a low impedance path. This allows losses on the grid to be converted into usable energy, while improving the voltage quality of the grid. In fact, the system completely takes over the function of current power filters on the basis of smart control.

Early e-bus operations in the cities of Bonn and Darmstadt, with an eye on full public transportation electrification by 2025, the cities had varying requirements with support required beyond simple charging solutions.

The total number of MW in Bonn and Darmstadt that will be installed is 5.25 MW: 4.2 MW in Darmstadt, 1.05 MW in Bonn. In both cases the charging infrastructures will be placed in the depots. Bonn will add 3 Solaris e-articulated busses to its fleet, featuring the new generation of Solaris High Energy+ batteries.

The scope of Heliox’s contract stretches further than the delivery of the Overnight Chargers, and includes full installation - charging stations and medium voltage connection.

The Heliox charging infrastructure is compatible with the fleet management system used, which facilitates monitoring of busses and the charging infrastructure in order to enable smart charge management. Also interoperability with multiple bus brands is a crucial part of the requirements set at the start of the tender, an element Heliox has been encouraging and pioneering.

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Highest Uptime
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Industry's Quietest

The installation of these chargers is just the first step of a larger electrification program in Darmstadt. Local energy supplier Entega has said, “Our ambitious goal in Darmstadt is to achieve complete electrification of our bus fleet with a total of 80 busses by 2025,” says Thomas Haasz, project manager at Entega. Heliox is optimistic about this opportunity and looking forward to providing more charging solutions in the area.

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